Life on Mars

Do you know what the photos shot using the orange colour lens remind me of? The “red planet”! So, instead of deleting them all – ’cause you can’t see the outlines sharply enough – I decided to take you on a trip to another planet. Fasten your seat belts as we’re off to Mars!

It’s eerily quiet walking around the rocks and stones. Their edges are rough and will scrape your arm if you’re not careful.

The soil is thick and sticky, you can’t break it easily, even when you throw it against the rocks. You think that nothing can grow on this terrain, yet, just a few meters off your stony path, you discover something that could be a source of food. But will you dare to try it?

You hear a rattle coming from behind you. You don’t know where to hide, you can’t see any trees growing near, so you run as fast as you can – making way too much noise for this eerie place – and as far as you can to finally hide behind one of the many rocks. You peek out and see a giant creature in a shape of tree roots moving at slow speed, bending its root-like tentacles into serpentine coils. Around the slow moving creature there are at least two dozens of tiny ones, wriggling its way ahead.

You let the creatures walk by and when the coast is clear you decide to go in the opposite direction. After an hour you come across what you think is a small park full of trees. Finally, something you know from home! You decide to sit down and lean against the nearest one.

Its bark is rugged and hard. You stroke it and then take out your penknife and cut off a piece. Just a small souvenir to take home. Underneath it’s got a smooth layer of texture resembling skin. Surprised, you’re staring at it too long to even feel the ground shaking. You raise your head and suddenly realise that you’re not in a park.