
I have been playing with the Adobe Photoshop Elements (2019) and it was so much fun. Mind you, I’m just a beginner at this stage, but still managed to create some gems, if I may say so myself 😀

I was interested in using the layers option and stacking different photos onto each other. It wasn’t as easy as I thought, but thank goodness there are helpful people out there with YT videos on how to go about it (I watched #SimonSezIT)

Here are the outcomes of my Friday night:

Let me show you how the first photo got made; I used these two photos and put one on top of the other in the layers option. I’ve learnt that it’s better to use one photo that is very dark or has distinctive colours and the other must be much lighter. Pretty obvious stuff for some, but for me it was about finding it out as I went.

I’ve also played with photos in colour, but I’m not as taken by the results as with the black and white.

The photo of the rose that resembles a crocodile skin, in my opinion, and got made by using these two photos below. You can see why there is a line going through it, it’s part of the leaf, and I decided to keep it.

Pretty cool, right? Well, they are to me. And so, I shall continue my mission to explore the strange new works of Adobe Photoshop Elements layers. Boldly going where so many have gone before!